Wednesday, December 7, 2016

The TNT (Tita Nephew Tandem)

Hi! My nephew is now learning to play the guitar and I have not played one for quite some time now.So here we are learning some songs together.Here's a short clip of my jamming session with my nephew,Gelo. Hope you like listening to it!:)

Friday, November 11, 2016

#mosQUITo problems

Hello there!

It's rainy season again in our country which means more rain = more (stagnant) water = more mosquito.[tsk...tsk..tsk]

Those mosquito bites can really be all that itchy. However, those bites are not the only problem we can encounter with

these mosquitoes. What is more detrimental are the diseases that these mosquitoes bring. Have you heard of

Dengue? Chikungunya?Zika Virus? (Sounds scary,huh?!) These are some of the diseases we could get from this


(Picture Source:

I've been working part-time at a local hospital in a beautiful island called Samal. I do chart reviews there and there has

really been a number of cases of Dengue in the area and perhaps in other areas of our country.

This makes me want to share with you an efficient device that will surely live these mosquitoes dead.

Have you seen this before?

The device that you see is a Zapper. It makes use of UV light that attract all sorts of insects such as

mosquitoes,flies,etc. I tell you,this will be a death penalty via an electrocution for these mosquitoes for having taken

away so many innocent lives infected with their virus.(#Hugot!)

We bought one for our home at a local store near our area for a price of P700-800. A little bit expensive compared to

insect sprays,I know. But, imagine saving yourself from all the suffocation of using these sprays plus the limited time

of the insect sprays effectivity. [How many times do you have to spray your room to get rid of these mosquitoes?!?].

If you will compute the number of bottles you have to buy against buying a Zapper, you will actually save more with the device.

We've been using our Zapper for a month now and I can say there have been less mosquitoes in our room.

Look at all these mosquitoes! I enjoy counting them at night to see how many we're caught...LOL...XD

Tired of getting bitten?! It's pay back time,baby! Bite them back with a Zapper...:)

Sunday, September 18, 2016


Hi everyone! It's been ages since I last posted here. Things just got so busy.(You know...growing up and all.)

How have I been doing? Well, I have already graduated med school by God's grace. I'm glad it's all over.(Well, I think and hope so.) I just finished taking the Physician Licensure Examination which I 'm hoping to pass. Having finished 5 years of Med life brings me to share with you my journey in becoming a medical doctor.

To tell you honestly, it was not my dream to become a doctor but it was my parents' dream for me. I cannot blame them for I know parents only want what's best for their children. I had other dreams in life...( A newscaster, A singer, An office worker,etc.) I wanted to be so many things that I could no longer decide what I really wanted.( Sad,right?! yeah, I know! There are people like me...THE UNDECIDED!).

 And so, I took the challenge half-hearted. It was really hard at the beginning knowing that you want to try doing something else and here you are trying to understand your purpose for being somewhere else. Med school was hard but the  "what ifs" made it harder. ( So if you plan to go in Med School make sure you have no "what ifs".)The feeling was like marrying someone that you hope you would learn to love.(The  analogy...LOL)

During my first year, I had a difficult time adjusting to the demands of the course. It's like so impossible to read the recommended chapters in all the subjects (considering I am not a bookworm...I'm a television person) plus doing the workbook in Histology,Physiology and the like. I cried like for how many nights because of the frustration that I could not finish the tasks at hand. It was like I was entering a state of depression. I became grumpy,irritable and all the negative stuff you could think of.Then, later, along the way I realized that I do not have to do everything perfectly. I began to accept the fact that I could not finish reading every lesson like how I used to back in highschool. I just lived by faith and everything is history.( Yeah, it's just as easy as that! I entrusted it all to Him. I asked God to make me finish the course not just for me but for my parents. I wanted to make them happy.)

Then came internship...which was more fun and relaxed. Somehow,I have realized that maybe I have a purpose for being in this profession.  I might just not understand it now but I know God has a reason for everything.

<3 p="">Jia

My Dolphin Encounter

One of my childhood wishes fulfilled! When I was a child I always wondered how dolphins are like. There were times I got to see such ad...